Bottom to Top Principle
Why do we tend to assume the micro controls the macro? I mean, I guess it's obvious when we study the inner workings of our cells along with bacteria, viruses, etc and learn how to control those that we can learn to control ourselves and our environments to some extent. The same goes with material and atomic science. But why is that? I got to thinking, I wonder if it's due to the nature of the speed of light? At smaller scales information flows faster and can thus coordinate faster so change seems to happen more at smaller scales which kind of ties in with how we run societal structures when we want more adaptive change, from local governments to big government, from family structure to global. Hmmm, it's like there's some sort of cosmological constant of information flow, small but fast like me, so in other words, watch out because I know karate!
On another note, I feel like entropy is also tied to my desire for redundancy (information) reduction. The desire to feel like you're not repeating the same steps over and over again and doing the same thing as everyone else which is like tied to a competitive urge to seek out best information, the best niche, and rid the rest. If we're all doing the same thing at the same levels, what competition is there? The spice must flow, paths must diverge, entropy must increase. Although the desire for redundancy reduction seems less at a local scale when you have communities and groups working together somewhat but it doesn't exist in its own ecosystem, these groups usually converge and compete against more global systems, ie, religious communities tend to only be about peace and love, if they are, only on the local and when run at global scales you have clashes; it never fails, the laws of thermodynamics are abided by. Just as a study I've read showed that the closer a group becomes and the less in-fighting the more out-fighting occurs as it sees the outside world more as an enemy. Or looking at the biological/evolutionary scale, our nature is still within us so what do we do with our excess calories and competitive nature? They still need some place to go so resources expend to out-groups for better or worse. Although I think this goes more for human nature as we're more information-oriented and so have more inclination to vigilantly filter information.
So in the words of Levar Burton, since I'm not qualified to spout details on these topics but I am interested in the bigger picture and how all these things tie together, you don't have to take my word for it. I just have information in my brain that needs expended somewhere. And when I go, I'll leave information, this blog for one. That's all I actually care about anyway.
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